Use of Cookies

What are Cookies
Cookies are small data files that your browser loads on your computer or device. Cookies help your browser navigate websites, but they cannot collect any information stored on your computer or in your files. When the server uses a web browser to read cookies, they can make it possible for the server to read cookies. that the website provides a more efficient service. user-friendly. To protect your privacy, your browser only allows the website to access the cookies it has already placed on you. sent and not to cookies generated by other websites.

Why? we use Cookies
We use cookies to better understand how you interact with our content; cookies also help us improve your experience on our website. Cookies remember the type of browser you use and memorize your preferences such as the navigation language. Some cookies are permanent, others are automatically deleted when you close your web browser.


Technical cookies, strictly necessary
These cookies are essential to navigate our sites and use the various functions. Without cookies, there is no way. It is possible to provide services such as shopping carts and remember the chosen language.

Cookies for analyzing functionality
Thanks to these cookies, sites are able to remember choices you do while you browse. For example, they can store your geographic location in a cookie to show you the website in your language. They can also remember your preferences, such as text size, font, and other customizable site elements. These cookies do not collect information that allows you to be personally identified and do not keep track of your activities.

Performance analysis cookies
These cookies collect information about how you use our sites, for example which pages you visit most; often: they are data that allow you to optimize the  websites by making them more user-friendly. easy to navigate. These cookies are also used to let affiliates know if your visit originated from one of their sites and if it resulted in the use or purchase of a  product or service from you, including providing details of the product or service purchased. These cookies do not collect information that allows you to be personally identified: all the data collected is aggregated and therefore; anonymous.


You have several options to manage cookies. All the parameters that can be set on your part could cause changes to your operating modes. of Internet navigation and your conditions of access to some services that require the use of cookies. You can choose at any time to express and modify your choices regarding cookies according to the modalities; described below.

Choices offered by your browser
It is possible to choose the options that your browser offers. It is possible to configure your browser in such a way that cookies are stored on your device or, conversely, are rejected, either systematically or depending on the issuer. You can also set your browser in such a way that the acceptance or refusal of cookies is requested promptly, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your device. For more information, see "How to exercise your choice, depending on the browser you use?"

(a) Consent to cookies
The registration of a cookie on a device is ; essentially subordinated to the will; of the user who can be expressed and modified at any time and free of charge through the options offered by the browser. If you have accepted the registration of cookies on your terminal through your browser, the cookies integrated in the pages and contents that you have consulted could be temporarily stored in a dedicated area of your device. These will only be readable by the issuer.

(b) Refusal of cookies
If you refuse cookies in your terminal, or remove those that are registered, you will not be able to. You can benefit from a number of features; which are necessary to navigate certain areas of our [site/application]. Such will be the the case if you are trying to access our content or services that require the identification. The same, in the event that we or our suppliers cannot recognize, for the purposes of compatibility; technique, the type of browser your device uses, the language and display settings or the country from which the terminal is connected to the Internet. In such cases, we decline all responsibility; for the consequences related to the malfunctioning of our services caused by the impossibility of for us to set or read the cookies necessary to operate and which you have rejected or deleted.

(c) How to exercise your choice, depending on the browser you use?
For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to to know how to change your choices regarding cookies.

Internet Explorer™:
Chrome™: answer/95647?hl=it&hlrm=en


Opera™: /Windows/10.20/it/cookies.html

If you do not intend to consent to the registration of cookies on your terminal, you can configure the same in this sense using the appropriate function. of the browser.

